EM4305卡,是采用EM微电子公司推出的一款工作频率为100kHZ---150KHZ,具有读写功能的非接触式RFID射频芯片,它可以较低功耗提供多种数据传输速率和数据编码方式。由于该射频芯片不仅兼容ISO11784/11785标准,还符合ISOFDX/B动物识别标准,因此,该射频芯片可被广泛应用于各种应用管理系统中,尤其是动物识别和跟踪管理。EM4305卡具有32位的密码读写保护、32位 的ID码和10位用户码。EM4305卡的EEPROM存储空间有512位,被分为16人个扇区,每个扇区32位,其中的锁定位可以将EEPROM的数据块变成只读模式。另外,它还有片内整流器和限压器,可以在-40摄氏度至85摄氏度温度下工作。
1, 512 bit EEPROM organized in 16 words of 32 bit
2, 32 bit unique identifier (UID)
3, 32 bit Password read and write protection
4, ISO 11784 / 11785 Standard Compliant
5, Lock feature converts EEPROM words into Read Only
6, Two data encodings: Manchester and Bi-phase
7, Multi-purpose data rate: 8, 16, 32 and 64 RF clocks
8, Reader Talk First feature
9, Compatible with EM4469/EM4569 communication protocol
10, 100 to 150 kHz frequency range
11, On-chip rectifier and voltage limiter
12, No external supply buffer capacitor needed
13, -40°C to +85°C temperature range
14,Very low power consumption
15, Enlarged bumped pads (200μm x 400 μm) for direct connection of coil (EM4305)
16,EM4205: 2 resonant capacitor versions 210pF or 250pF selectable by mask option. The resonant capacitor can be trimmed, at factory level, to offer accuracy on the tolerance of 3%.
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